Creator of six original comic book series, including Starstruck, Vamps, BrainBanx & Skin Tight Orbit, as well as writing for numerous licensed titles.

As producing partner with AudioComics, created award-winning, full-cast audio dramas like Titanium Rain, Honey West, Locke & Key and The Starling Project.

Books, Stories, Animation, Games and
Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey
Elaine Lee & Michael Wm. Kaluta’s comic series Starstruck is now the setting for Season 12 of Dropout.TV’s Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey!
The Latest News!
A Starstruck Odyssey Launches!
Today, January 12, 2022, A Starstruck Odyssey launches on Dropout TV. Featuring Emily Axford as Sundry Sydney the android, Brian Murphy as […]
Lee & Mulligan Chat about Starstruck
In bonus content for Dimension 20: A Starstruck Odyssey, Brennan Lee Mulligan interviews his Mom about her comic series Starstruck and the […]
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey set for January!
Launching in January: Dimension 20, CH Media’s D&D actual play series for Dropout TV, has licensed the Starstruck Multiverse as a setting […]